General Problems and Inquiries
If your model arrives with damage or there is any other issue, the best thing to do is to contact our support team. They take care of all of our warranty repairs and they are all swell guys. The toll-free number is 1-855-LRC-6917 (1-855-572-6917) (outside North America, + 1 905-474-3314 or 905-474-3324).You can also email us – click here.
Some customers are reporting that they have received 3800 cu.ft. hoppers with warped trucks. If you're not happy with the trucks on your model. Drop us an email including a photo of the box ends of your 3800 models and we'll send you replacements.
COTS labels
When we launched the 3800 cu.ft. hopper we received immediate feedback from potential customers telling us NOT to put the COTS labels on the models because these changed over time (from none to single to double). We went overboard though and even removed them from cars that should actually have had them! Fortunately we make a range of different COTS decals and we will send them to anyone that wants them FOR FREE! Just email us with a photo of the box ends of your 3800 models along with your address and we'll send them out to you.