


Model Train Artwork Dude/Dudette




Rapido is looking for a full-time artwork person to join our ever-growing team!

The perfect candidate will have a strong proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and experience doing artworks for trains; things that are train-ish like buses; or other forms of transportation that require artwork more complicated than those two tiny stripes on a 1985 Oldsmobile 98.


  • Create railroad prototype artwork based on photos and research.

  •  Be willing to do artwork for projects you care nothing about. We are not making an RSC-24 locomotive. Stop asking. You have to draw this 1980s boxcar art instead.

  •  Work with the Project Managers to gather prototype information so that artwork is as accurate as possible.

  • Able to communicate with and understand industry language. That is a “truck.” This is a “coupler.” If you think we’re talking about road haulage and plumbing, you probably shouldn’t apply. It will take way too long to train you and we’re hiring you because we’re really busy.

  • Work with flattened line art files from designers to create artwork templates

  • Be legally allowed to come to Canada. That one is pretty important. You have to be in a real mess if even the Canadians won’t let you in. They let everyone in.

  • Following on from that, you must be able to shower regularly so you don’t stink up the place when you visit. If you have a problem with this, don’t apply.

  •  Be able to think 3-dimensionally while working in a 2D environment

  • Be able to think 1-dimensionally while working in a 0D environment

  • Be able to read and interpret exploded parts diagrams

  • Not be a primadonna. If one fellow Rapido employee tells you the font is too thick, you can be skeptical. If two Rapido employees tell you the font is too thick, you should consider changing it. By the time three Rapido employees have told you to stop arguing and fix the farkachte font, you’ve been fired already.
  • Understand that matching prototype imagery is the main focus of the art that Rapido needs. The shade of orange you chose may be “more beautiful,” but it is still wrong.
  • Provide creative options for other Rapido-related needs when requested.
  • Create and adhere to artwork standards and templates set by Rapido Trains
  •  Be able to work to deadlines. This is actually very important and if you’re really good at it you can teach the rest of us how to do it.
  • Work on page layouts such as user manuals and instruction sheets.
  • Be able to create, edit and work with PDF files
  • One of the above points is not physically possible. If you didn’t realize that, don’t apply.


  • Expertise in Adobe Creative Suite is a strong preference

  • Must be an expert in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign

  • Adobe Photoshop skills are a plus

  • Must work on multiple, on-going projects at the same time with the ability to prioritize the work load

  • Must be organized and detail oriented

  • Must not be a swordfish

Does this sound like you? Please email your cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject line: Model Train Artwork Dude/Dudette.



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